Monday, November 16, 2015

Biology Friday

Biology Plus Notes- November 13, 2015

First Period


Bell Work- Name one reason enzymes are important.

Answer:-Enzymes can breakdown/digest certain foods.

-Enzymes facilitate (start) chemical reactions.


Students were given a graphic organizer to fill in.  Coach P is giving them the information to put in the chart.


Enzymes- Most end in -ase

What are enzymes? 

-Biological molecules that act to speed up body reactions. 


How many enzymes do we have in our bodies?

-More than 3000


What do they do in our body?

-Enzymes can breakdown/digest certain foods.


Why are enzymes important?

-Without enzymes, it would take too long to get nutrients (from our food).


Where are enzymes found?

-Most enzymes are produced in our PANCREAS, but they travel all over our body (mouth, stomach, intestines).






What do some specific enzymes do for us?

Amylases: Breaks down carbohydrates (starts in our mouth)

Proteases: Breaks down proteins (Intestines)

Lipases: Breaks down Lipids (fats) (Intestines)



What are some important enzyme characteristics?

-Enzymes have a special active site.

-Each enzyme only fits with one substrate (lock/key).

-Enzymes change shape, but don’t run out (“not used up”).






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