Monday, April 20, 2015


English Friday

4-15-15 Eng. 1 – Harris
Note:  C and L, come see me if you want to do a makeup quiz!  I told you this yesterday!!

  1. Do Now:  W.C. book, pgs. 759 – 760., Ex. 24.  Answered aloud in class.
  2. For Friday:  On board:  Know vocabulary on pg. 1042.  1,3,4 = 15 questions;  5,6, & 7 = 20 questions.  14 multiple choice and 1 short answer.
  3. On board:  Odyssey – Part 1 /  Odyssey – Part 2 / TEST = 4/17/15 – PART 1 (THAT’S THIS FRIDAY, PEOPLE!!!!)
  4. On board:  Homework:  The Odyssey, Part 1 = Study the epic and vocabulary.
  5. The Odyssey =
  6. What is a Homeric or epic simile?  It’s a simile that is longer.  Pg. 1093, lines: 1063-1065.  To what are their cries being compared to?  Their tears are being compared to the hawk.
  7. What’s the difference between an epic simile and a regular simile?  An epic simile is more elaborate (more involved)and may take several lines. It may also use words of comparison like:  “just as” or “so”.  It might recall an entire place or story.  Epic similes are sometimes called Homeric similes.
  8. Number your paper 1 – 4:  Answer questions regarding Homeric similes using analogies (on smartboard).

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