Monday, January 26, 2015


1-26-15 – HARRIS – ENG. 1
  1. Pg. 498.  Biographical writing
  1. Writer-subject connection –know what the relationship is that links you with that person  (2) Research – you need to research that person; find out information (using primary source documents- you need to go to the library or can go to google   (3) Interpretation – what you think after you’ve read all the information on the person  (4) Choose a Subject – choose something you’re interested in doing.

  1. On board:  Do Now:  “Pleased to Make your Acquaintance”  - Select a person you know well.  Write a paragraph introducing us to them.
  2. Today’s Objective:  Determine the meaning of biographical writings.
  3. Homework:  Writer’s Choice:  Pg. 543, Ex. 6.
  4. What did Arthur Ashe like about himself?  What did he do for a living?  He liked his demeanor – he called it “controlled cool.”  His mom died when he was very young, and this was very tragic for him.  
  5. We saw a brief video on the life of Arthur Ashe, famous African-American tennis player who died from Aids.
  6. Note:  everything you write about somebody should be true.  Look at the 6 things listed in your book to establish a connection with you and the person you’re writing about.
  7. On paper draw a circle (like the sun) and put your name in the middle.  On the rays (of the sun) write down your qualities.
  8. We may well have a quiz this week!!
  9. Do (on worksheet ) B. #1 & 2. And the rest of your homework.

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