Monday, November 24, 2014


11-24-14 – Eng. 1 – Harris
Jaelynn, bring your own literature book!!!
Mario, read that ACT V summary that I gave you! You should be able to answer questions when called upon, especially when it’s the first question regarding the Act V!  Hopefully your glasses will be repaired soon.
1.     On board:  Do Now! Lit. book  Pg. 932, Practice A and B. 
2.     On board:  HOMEWORK:  Read Act V and finish both sides of handout.
3.     Handout:  #96 & on back #104.
4.     Beginning of Act V why is Romeo in a good mood?  Mario could not answer.  Camryn did..yeah!
5.     Romeo had a dream.  Know what the dream was about.
6.     Was it a remnant?  Something left over.
7.     Synonym for “extreme poverty” = hindering.
8.     Romeo learns from Balthazar that he thought she (Juliet) was dead.
9.     An apothecary is a drug store.  Know this!!
10.  Disperse = know what this means.  The poison would disperse itself all through the veins.
11.  Romeo plans on taking the poison to kill himself.
12.  What is the apothecary’s motive (reason) for selling?  He says if he gets caught selling you this it is illegal and he will get put in prison if he gets caught selling this.
13.  Haughty = arrogant; cocky; stuck-up
14.  How does Paris react to seeing Romeo at Juliet’s tomb?  He gets mad and follow Romeo into the tomb and tells him he can’t be there.  He is very angry at Romeo because he blames Romeo for Juliet’s death.
15.  What tragic mistake does Romeo make regarding (pg. 922) Juliet’s appearance? There were signs of life in Juliet and he missed that.
16.  What happens to Paris at Juliet’s tomb?  He gets stabbed and he dies.
17.  Picture on pg. 924. 
18.  How does Juliet react when she wakes up?  Who does she see?  She sees Friar but when she wakes up she looks for Romeo.
19.  Unthrifty = unlucky
20.  Pg. 926.  Read that question as to what would have happened if those going to the tomb arrived in a different order.
21.  If Paris arrived first Juliet would have awakened and then …
22.  Ambiguity = statement or events whose meanings are unclear.
23.  Romeo’s mother dies of a broken heart, or of grief.
24.  Now do page 96 of handout.
Your test grades will be on Parent Connect when you get home.
QUIZ TOMORROW ON ACT 5 TOMORROW!!!  According to Mrs. Harris, Camryn and only one another student will be able to pass it….so study!!!
Word List
1.     Contagion
2.     Dispose
3.     Famine
4.     Infectious
5.     Loathsome
6.     Pestilence
7.     Suspicion
8.     Vengeance

Homework too!  Do both sides of the handout!!!

Study your ACT V pages we gave you!!!!  Also, look at the book as she may pull in more information from your text that may not be in the summary pages.

Note:  Be sure and practice recognizing gerunds vs. participles.

(A gerund is a verb used in any way a noun can be used.  Examples:

Smoking is a bad habit. (Smoking = gerund=used as the subject of the sentence)
I hate the sport of skiing.  (Skiing = gerund=used as object of prep.)

(A participle is a verb used as an adjective. Examples:
The working woman is exhausted because of her load. (working = participle=used as an adj.)

He died from a bleeding heart. (bleeding = participle=used as adj. that modifies n. heart)

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