Monday, March 24, 2014


Today students were asked to pull out their baggie of their 27 Amendments. This is an activity that I did with you a few weeks ago. If students had their baggie of Amendments, they were given 100 today. Mrs. Bafford also asked who knew the Bill of Rights, the first 10 Amendments. Only one student was able to do this. She was given extra credit. She also studied my video on learning the Amendments.

1. 3 articles due Friday
2. Study 1st 15 Amendments

Amendment 1

Freedom of Religion, Speech, Press, Assembly and Petition

Amendment 2

Right to bear arms (weapons)

Amendment 3

Quartering of Troops

Amendment 4

Search and Seizure

Amendment 5

Rights of the Accused

Amendment 6

Requirements for Jury Trials

Amendment 7

Rules of Common Laws (Civil Suits, or Civil Trials)

Amendment 8

Limits on criminal punishment

Amendment 9

Right kept by the people (rights people have)

Amendment 10

Powers of the states and the people

Amendment 11

Law suits against a state

Amendment 12

Election of president and Vice president

Amendment 13

Slavery abolished (ended)

Amendment 14

Rights of Citizens

Amendment 15

Black voting rights

Bill of Rights Signed: This is to help you remember the first 10 Amendments

27 Amendments (FAST)
(This is to help DHOH students remember the 27 Amendments)

Snake Video:

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