Monday, February 13, 2012

World Geography

Video we watched is on Mr. Batemans website

These are due at the beginning of class tomorrow. 
World Geography

1.     How many people live in the United States? ___________

2.     Humans have a direct impact on an astonishing __________ of the earths surface.

3.     A baby uses approximately ____________ diapers in their first two years of life.

4.     Humans eat a total of ___________________________ pounds of food everyday.

5.     Each person living in the United States on average eats ________________________ pounds of food everyday.

6.     Americans eat _____________ individual eggs in their lifetime.

7.     Americans eat _____________ slices of bread in their lifetime.

8.     An average American takes ________________ showers throughout their life.

9.     America has __________ miles of sewer lines, enough to rap around the world ____ times.

10.  An average American man spends ____________ dollars on clothes throughout their lifetime

11.  An average American woman ___________________ _____________ on clothes than men.

12.  An average American drinks _______ beers and _____ bottles of wine in their life.

13.  An average American moves ___ times in their life.

14.  It takes ____ trees to make an average home.

15.  Average Americans use ____ washing machines, ___ refrigerators, ___ air conditioners, ___ microwaves, ____ tv’s, and ____ computers.

16.  Over ______ our electricity comes form 1 to _____ coal-burning power plant stations.

17.  America has only 5 % of the worlds population but has ____ % of the worlds cars.

18.  Americans use _____ of the worlds oil and it takes half of that to fuel our cars.

19.  On average Americans see their doctor or visit the hospital ___ times throughout their life.

20.   An average American lives to age _____ years and ____ months. 

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