Friday, February 27, 2015


2-26-15 – Eng. I – Harris
  1. Do Now:  Study the cover of your book (13 Reasons Why).  Analyze what you see.  Create 5 captions based upon our analysis.
  2. Homework:  Read Cassette 5, Sides A and B
Coming Due Soon:  Persuasive Speeches 03/03 and 03/04
Draw a Venn diagram.  On one circle write the name “Marcus” and on the other write “Zach.”  How are they different –how are they alike?
Channel 5 news report was shown about a suicide in Lakeland—2 young suicides. “Lakeland suicide in 2 days”
Ms. Harris, “Anything can happen…anywhere.”

Channel 5 news report was about an Arlington high student who jumped to his death on an expressway. Other teenagers and adults tweeted about being yourself, don’t try to be what someone else wants you to be, and don’t be afraid to open up.  There is a suicide hotline—don’t be afraid to use it if you feel the need.

2-27-15 – Harris – Eng. 1
Note:  Mario needs to finish his work from yesterday in Learning Lab.
Note: 2nd day in a row that C has been late to class.
  1. Do Now:  Check of journals- composition books put on table – Be sure you date each entry!  She said write the snow days and if you didn’t, you miss 5 “Do Now’s”.  She handed me L's and J’s books.  They got 30% --they didn’t do the snow days and some work in there was incomplete.
  2. Coming Due Soon:  Persuasive Speeches:  03/03 & 03/04
  3. On board:  Homework:  Read Cassettes 1 – 7A  - Complete reading by Monday  - Quiz?
  4. Handout:  Characters in 13 Reasons Why:  on one side of that handout record the following and number the order in which they appear:  (Ex:  1. Justin):  
  • Marcus
  • Ryan
  • Tyler
  • Alex
  • Justin
  • Zach
  • Jessica
  • Courtney
Be sure you do the back, too, as the back is a review.

Note to all:
Simile = watch for clue words:  like    or   as:
Ex:  The sun is like a red rubber ball.
Metaphor= compares 2 things/people without using “like” or “as”:
Ex:  The sun is a red rubber ball.
Personification=Gives human-like characteristics to things that are not human:
Ex:  The fog kept whispering my name.
(fog is a condition of the weather—it can’t “whisper”)
Hyperbole= obvious exaggeration:
Ex: J texted L a thousand times but she never answered.
(J didn’t really do anything 1,000 times!)

Be sure you are working on the persuasive speeches that you will have to give orally in class.

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