Thursday, February 23, 2012

WG Extra Credit Due Monday



1.     What are some things that the US has in common with Europe?

a.    ___________________________________________
b.    ___________________________________________
c.     ___________________________________________

2.     Europe is divided into  ______ regions.

3.     Europe is made up of a lot of P __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ S.

4.     A __________________ is land that is bordered by water on three sides but connected to mainland.

5.     When did people occupy Western Europe? ________________

6.     ___________  _______________ is people adopting practices of neighbors (spreading of ideas).

7.     Where were some of the founding colonies in ancient civilizations in Europe?
______________________, _______________, _____________, __________

8.     The Roman Empire was plagued by _____________, _______________, and __________________.

9.     ____________________ is known as the rebirth of science and thinking.

10.  During the 1400’s, Renaissance Period which powerful new states developed?

_____________, _______________, _______________, ________________, ____________________

11.  During the _____________________ period Europeans started exploring areas and setting up colonies.

12.  What four things came out of the industrial revolution?

a.    New ________________________
b.    Increased ____________________
c.     Growth of ___________________

13.  What were some conflicts (wars) that Europe was involved in after the 1900’s?
a.    _______________________
b.    _______________________
c.     _______________________

14.  Western Europe stretches from _____________________ to ___________________.

15.  _______________________ are high points of the Alps and contrast with European plains.

16.  The ___________________ _____________________ _____________ stretches from the Pyrenees Mountains and the Atlantic Ocean in the west to the Ural Mountains in the east. It is good for farming and makes it easy for people to move around.

17.  The ______________________________ Mountains are the highest in Europe.

18.  Europe’s climate is usually _________________.

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